2024 Christmas Bird Count

Greetings everyone, I thought that I would share the results from the 2024 Christmas Bird Count. At the end of the post, I made some comparisons to last years' data that is worth checking out. This bird count was done on December 21st, 2024. A reminder that these count numbers are not population data, they are simply a reflection of the 2024 Christmas Bird Count.
Canada Goose- 41
American Wigeon- 1
Mallard- 57
Hood Merganser- 4
Northern Bobwhite- 16
Black Vulture- 3
Bald Eagle- 13
Sandhill Crane- 506
Northern Harrier- 8
Cooper's Hawk- 1
Red-shouldered Hawk- 8
Red-tailed Hawk- 9
American Kestrel- 8
Merlin- 1
Eastern Screech-Owl- 1
Great Horned Owl- 1
Barred Owl- 2
Short-eared Owl- 1
Red-headed Woodpecker- 3
Red-belied Woodpecker- 12
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker- 1
Downy Woodpecker- 14
Hairy Woodpecker- 2
Northern Flicker- 36
Pileated Woodpecker- 9
Belted Kingfisher- 4
American Crow- 39
Mourning Dove- 1
Blue Jay- 20
Carolina Chickadee- 12
Tufted Titmouse- 22
White-breasted Nuthatch- 19
Brown Creeper- 1
Carolina Wren- 9
Golden-crowned Kinglet- 12
Eastern Bluebird- 40
Hermit Thrush- 2
American Robin- 13
Northern Mockingbird- 7
European Starling- 71
Cedar Waxwing- 20
Yellow-rumped Warbler- 7
Ruby crowned Kinglet- 1
Eastern Towhee- 13
American Tree Sparrow- 44
Field Sparrow- 7
Fox Sparrow- 9
Song Sparrow- 50
Swamp Sparrow- 32
White-throated Sparrow- 358
White-crowned Sparrow- 3
House Sparrow- 3
Dark-eyed Junco- 160
Northern Cardinal- 21
Eastern Meadowlark- 13
Purple Finch- 1
House Finch- 16
American Goldfinch- 37

Birds that were not detected in the 2023 count but were in 2024:
Canada Goose
American Wigeon
Northern Bobwhite
Sandhill Crane
Barred Owl
Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Purple Finch
House Finch

Birds that were not detected in the 2024 count but were in 2023:
Wood Duck
Wild Turkey
Golden Eagle

Most detected bird in the 2024 count: Sandhill Crane (506)
Most detected bird in the 2023 count: American Robin (247)

Least detected bird in the 2024 count: American Wigeon (1), Cooper's Hawk (1), Merlin (1), Eastern Screech-owl (1), Great Horned Owl (1), Short-eared Owl (1), Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (1), Mourning Dove (1), Brown Creeper (1), Ruby Crowned Kinglet (1), Purple Finch (1)

Least detected bird in the 2023 count: Eastern Screech Owl (1), Great Horned Owl (1), Red-Headed Woodpecker (1), Hermit Thrush (1), Northern Mockingbird (1)

Percent of increase or decrease from the 2023 count to the 2024 count per bird species (only species that were detected both years were included and I only included species that had greater than a 3-point count difference -/+).
Mallard +19%
Hooded Merganser -85%
Bald Eagle +116%
Red-shouldered Hawk +167%
Red-tailed Hawk +80%
Mourning Dove -93%
Red-bellied Woodpecker +54%
Downy Woodpecker -33%
Northern Flicker -61%
Pileated Woodpecker +350%
American Kestrel -47%
Blue Jay -55%
American Crow -35%
Carolina Chickadee -63%
Tufted Titmouse +29%
White-breasted Nuthatch +35%
Carolina Wren +200%
Eastern Bluebird -37%
American Robin -95%
Northern Mockingbird +600%
European Starling +115%
Cedar Waxwing -83%
Yellow-rumped Warbler +250%
American Tree Sparrow -48%
Dark-eyed Junco -33%
White-throated Sparrow +426%
Song Sparrow +32%
Swamp Sparrow +357%
Northern Cardinal -70%
American Goldfinch +185%
House Sparrow -75%