Hoping for warmer days...

It has been very cold here on the refuge but that has not stopped work from being done. Like you saw in the last post, we have been compiling Crawfish Frog data for a presentation about our ongoing studies, along with our efforts to increase the population size. We are mostly taking data that has been recorded all the way back to 2012 and compiling it with the more up to date metrics. Other than clerical work there is not much to be done until the snow melts on the service roads.
There is a new intern that has joined us all the way from Nevada!
Hello all, my name is Sierra, and I am so pleased to be here. I am from a small town in Nevada and went to school in Montana for a BS degree in Wildlife Biology and a minor in Restoration Ecology. I taught English in Turkey for two years after college. I am back in the states again and eager to continue on my career path in wildlife conservation. I hope to be a wolf biologist one day but between that job and me, stands graduate school which I plan to attend next year or early 2027. I am only going to be staying on with BONWR in these winter months, but I plan to make the best use of my time here!
Other than a new face around the office, things are slowly chugging along here, and like most people in Madison, we are waiting for warmer days to arrive.